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提高工作效率 快節(jié)奏時(shí)代的十大經(jīng)典方法

發(fā)表于 2021-10-25 09:58:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎(jiǎng)勵(lì) |倒序?yàn)g覽 |閱讀模式
提高工作效率 快節(jié)奏時(shí)代的十大經(jīng)典方法
In our modernworld, everyone is looking to do things faster, better, smarter, so it's nowonder that productivity hacks are incredibly popular.
But the truth isthat there's nothing new under the sun; despite whatever the newest book,product, or guru wants to sell you, you can learn to become moreproductive with work habits people have used for many years. Apply even a fewof these and you will increase your productivity, guaranteed:
1. Define yourMITs. MIT standsfor most important task, and just by taking a few moments to identify 3–5things you must accomplish each day, you will improve your overallproductivity—because you can't focus on your important work if you don't knowwhat's important.
1. 確定最重要的任務(wù)。只需花很少的時(shí)間來(lái)確定每天必須完成的3到5件事,就能提高你的整體效率——因?yàn)槟悴豢赡軐P挠谥匾墓ぷ魅绻悴恢滥男┕ぷ魇侵匾摹?/div>
2. Don'tmulti-task. We live in a multi-tab, multiple device kind of world,but scientists tell us that none of us is truly a good multi-tasker. Working onone thing at a time will make you faster and less apt to make mistakes.
2. 不要一心多用。我們生活的世界強(qiáng)調(diào)多任務(wù)、多方法,但是科學(xué)家告訴我們,沒(méi)有人能真正同時(shí)兼顧多項(xiàng)任務(wù)。一次只專注于一項(xiàng)工作能夠提高效率并減少錯(cuò)誤。
3. Create amorning routine (and an afternoon routine and an evening routine). Formany people, defining and sticking to a morning routine can help ensure asmooth start to the day. If you know you operate at your best when you haveexercised and had a good breakfast, making those things a priority willpositively affect the rest of your day. Likewise, routines for other times ofthe day can streamlinedaily tasks.
3. 養(yǎng)成早晨固定習(xí)慣(以及下午和晚上的)。對(duì)很多人來(lái)說(shuō),確定并堅(jiān)持早晨固定習(xí)慣能夠幫助確保一天平穩(wěn)度過(guò)。如果你知道自己在鍛煉和享受豐盛早餐之后能夠以最佳狀態(tài)工作,那么優(yōu)先完成這兩件事情能夠?qū)τ嘞碌囊惶煊蟹e極影響。同樣地,其他時(shí)間的固定習(xí)慣也能使一天過(guò)得更流暢。
4. Edit your inputstreams and simplify. Most people I know wouldn't want to give up theirnewsletters, social media, or blog reading, but there are ways to make yourmedia consumption more productive. First, ruthlessly edit your media streams tothe most valuable and important ones; then, find ways to streamline yourconsumption with RSS feeds, apps like Hootsuite, and readers.
4. 編輯你的流媒體并精簡(jiǎn)。我認(rèn)識(shí)不少人不愿意放棄閱讀簡(jiǎn)報(bào),瀏覽社交媒體和博客,但是其他方式可以讓你的流媒體消費(fèi)更加有效。首先,只將最有價(jià)值,最重要的流媒體留下來(lái),然后通過(guò)一些手段精簡(jiǎn)你的RSS訂閱,Hootsuite和其他離線閱讀器都是很好的選擇。
5. Besuccinct. When writing emails, get to the point quickly. A good rule of thumb is tolimit your email to five sentences or less.
5. 做到簡(jiǎn)明扼要。當(dāng)寫電子郵件時(shí),以最快速度講重點(diǎn)。一個(gè)好辦法是電子郵件不要超過(guò)5句話。
6. Do importantwork. In theclassic "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Steven Coveypresents a matrix that divides our activities into four categories: urgent andimportant, not urgent but important, urgent and unimportant, and not urgent notimportant. The key is to spend most of our time in quadrant two, doing the important work that isn't driven bycrisis.
6. 做重要的工作。在《高效人士的7個(gè)習(xí)慣》這本經(jīng)典中,斯蒂芬·科維展示一個(gè)矩陣,他將人類活動(dòng)分為四類:緊急和重要的,非緊急但重要的,緊急但不重要的和非緊急也不重要的。關(guān)鍵就是要將我們大部分的時(shí)間放在第二象限,即做那些非緊急但重要的工作。
7. Batch similartasks. The simplest example of this is choosing to process emails only once ortwice a day rather than jumping like one of Pavlov's dogs every time thecomputer dings. Identify tasks that are interrupting your flow (email, phonecalls, meetings, etc.) and schedule a time to do them all at once.
7. 批量處理相似任務(wù)。最簡(jiǎn)單的例子就是每天抽出一或兩段時(shí)間只處理郵件,而不是像巴甫洛夫的狗那樣,電腦一響就跳過(guò)去查看。找出那些容易打斷你工作流程的任務(wù)(郵件、電話。會(huì)議等等),定個(gè)時(shí)間一次性處理完。
8. Eliminate,automate, delegate. Doing your best work often requires eliminating orminimizing tasks that you don't need to do. First, eliminate anything you canfrom your to do list; determine if any tasks can be automated with technologyor templates; and finally, delegate any tasks that don't need your personalattention to a coworker or assistant.
8. 篩選、自動(dòng)化、委派。做好工作要求篩選并淘汰掉你不需要做的任務(wù)。首先,從你的任務(wù)清單中去除所有不需要做的;考察是否有任務(wù)可以通過(guò)技術(shù)手段或模板自動(dòng)完成;最后將不需要你特別注意的工作委派給同事或助手。
9. Work offline. The Internetis a fantastic, but tempting place. If you have difficulty avoiding its distractions, work offline ortake your work somewhere without an Internet connection to force some focus. Iget so much work done on long plane journeys and I sometimes go to a localCoffee shop for some uninterrupted work.
9. 離線工作。網(wǎng)絡(luò)新奇但誘惑巨大。如果你很難避免分心,離線工作或者去沒(méi)有網(wǎng)絡(luò)的地方工作,強(qiáng)迫自己專心。我在長(zhǎng)途旅行的飛機(jī)上就做了很多工作,有時(shí)我還會(huì)去當(dāng)?shù)氐目Х鹊陮P墓ぷ,避免被打擾。
10. Do the thingyou want to do the least, first. Prioritize those items youare most likely to procrastinate—your day will go much more smoothly when the phone callyou're dreading or the report you don't want to write are finished and nolonger weighing on your mind.
10. 最先做你最不想做的工作。將你最有可能拖沓的工作優(yōu)先完成——當(dāng)你把最不想打的電話打完或最不想寫的報(bào)告寫完,你的一天會(huì)順利的多,因?yàn)檫@些事不會(huì)積壓在你心上。
You don't need afancy system for productivity, just a few good, timeless habits. I'd love tohear your best productivity hacks—new or classic—in the comments.
你不需要每條都達(dá)到,只要養(yǎng)成其中幾個(gè)好的,不過(guò)時(shí)的習(xí)慣。 我期待在評(píng)論里看到你們?nèi)禄蚪?jīng)典的高效方法。

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