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[求職技巧] 我的面經(jīng)-2013年斯倫貝謝PTE系列(4)

發(fā)表于 2014-2-10 15:03:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
3.      PTE_三面_2013.12.4_酒仙橋,兆維華燈大廈
11月25日,周一上午,HR發(fā)來郵件。兩件事兒:一個是讓我們回復(fù)包括身份證號,電話,學(xué)校等等,說是用來訂機票的?磥磉@次終面也是聲勢浩大啊。另一個是在斯倫貝謝英文career的那個網(wǎng)站 http://careers.slb.com/createaccount.aspx上注冊,上傳中英文簡歷,還要選擇分類。PTE是Geoscience and Petrotechnical這個分類,選一個自己更相關(guān)的,我選了Geophysicist。
Dear all:
Thank you for your application to Petro-Technical Engineer position in Schlumberger. Please check the attached interview schedule and do the preparation accordingly.
In the final interview, each candidate will present a PPT (~ 10 minutes) and then answer questions raised by segment representatives ( ~ 10 minutes). All in English.
Please make sure your PPT covers the following topics:
·         Self-introduction and the top one achievement in the past
·         Your research project (background, actual work and conclusion)
·         Which oilfield service segment in Schlumberger you want to join and why?
·         5 years plan from now
Some hints on the slides preparation:
·         Keep your slides no more than 10 slides.
·         control the file size no more than 8 M.
Important notes:
1.       send your PPT file to LadyL no later than 11:00 am, 1st, Dec. (if the file is delayed, we will consider that the candidate give up the final interview chance.)
2.       once the file is sent to LadyL, no more changes can be made.
3.       Please check the schedule carefully and arrive in Beijing office at least 30 minutes before your starting time.
做PPT:一共只有10頁,第一頁我無恥的貼了一張自己跳起來的照片,然后剛好雙手舉起來托住題目,To my love: Schlumberger…又無恥了一把。。。第二頁就是非常簡單的自我介紹,第三頁到第七頁是項目經(jīng)歷,先大概一個表格說下我做過的項目,接著主要介紹兩個項目,一個介紹的多,另外一個介紹的少,只是為了從這個項目引出我的畢設(shè),再簡單介紹下畢設(shè)進程。第八頁是那個top achievement,我自己感覺學(xué)術(shù)上沒啥成就,就干脆用這頁來介紹我的業(yè)余生活,說了下我愛讀書,喜歡戶外運動,愛健身,然后把那個成就落在能克服自己的懶惰,堅持鍛煉磨練了意志上面,還好聽的解釋說因為我的學(xué)術(shù)上沒有老師的知道沒有我的group的支持我自己是做不來的云云。然后想加入的部門一頁,五年計劃一頁。

油氣儲運網(wǎng) - 論壇版權(quán)1、本主題所有言論和圖片純屬會員個人意見,與本論壇立場無關(guān)

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2014-2-10 15:03:49 | 只看該作者
Good afternoon. As you can see, Schlumberger is my true love for my career, so I am very glad to have this opportunity to be here, I hope you’ll like me as l like Schlumberger.

My name is CR.
I have six years of educational background of geophysics. I got my bachelor degree in 2011, in the China University of Geosciences, in Wuhan, Hubei province. During my study, I was always the top three of my major, so I earned different kinds of scholarships, totally about 6000 Yuan and I donated parts of them to the fund of my university to help the poor.
After graduated, I decided to continue my study in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, the Chinese Academy of Science. Since then, I nearly participated in all the projects of my tutor. As you could see from the screen, but some of them I just help to do some file works as a student, I mainly joined the first two projects.

Ok, let’s see the first one: It’s about the four-dimension method in SAGD development. This is interesting; we all know that the steam and heavy oil has totally different density, and during this SAGD process the density of underground substances will change, so we use microgravity survey to monitor this variation of the reservoir.
At the beginning, it’s just a green thought, but our group collected gravity data year after year, and tried different methods to process it. Finally we ****.
Please look at these figures. These are the microgravity anomalies in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. We could see the ****.
So is it a effective and simple way to monitor the reservoir?

Wow, I don’t want to talk too much about the second project, it’s a general seismic data processing project, and thanks to this I learn how to fulfill a basic data processing with different business software, such as Omega2, CGG, GeoDepth and so on.
Through this project, I found that the pre-stack time migration can provide velocity model to PSDM, and it’s a important step to do AVO/AVA analysis, fracture detection and distribution, and the Kirchhoff method is one of the widely used method, because it is simple and effective. But nowadays the traditional method could not meet the image of complex structure, especially when the velocity shows the character of anisotropy.
Therefore, I take this topic as my master’s dissertation: Pre-stack Kirchhoff Time Migration for VTI Media.
The heart of Kirchhoff time migration is the double-square-root formula. In 1997, Alkhalifah developed it into this equation with one anisotropic parameter: nta.

First, I studied his previous work, and built these five horizontal layered models to compare the accuracy between his formulas with others. Then I wrote a program with C language to do the anisotropic migration. This is the migration test of a rack wavelet. The picture in the top left corner is the isotropic migration result done by Omega, and the right left corner is my anisotropic result with nta is equal to 0.1, put them together you could find the anisotropic wave front is a little bit fatter, so this is the reliable results. Recently I try to use one of the SEG model to test my program, and when this finished I want to discuss how two different methods influence the velocity model and even the AVO analysis. These work need to be done in the rest of my term.
Well, you know academic life of me, I work very hard and I ‘m proud of myself, but I do not consider it as my top achievement, because I could not done those without my group, my tutor.
Next I want to show another part of me.
I am a happy girl because I like reading and writing and I have so many interesting books.
I am a strong girl because I love sports, climbing mountain, hiking , Oh, that’s me in our sports meeting , and I workout at least three time a week, you can see me upside-down in a gym. I am in good shape and always in good mood, cause I know relax.
So here is my top achievement, I conquer my laziness; I stick to one thing since I entered my institute even without any companion. My will became unshakable; I never give up easily no matter how hard it could be.

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2014-2-10 15:04:16 | 只看該作者
See, that’s me, a happy girl who really want to join in your company especially the geophysical segment as a seismic data processor.
For one thing, Schlumberger is the largest oilfield service company, well known for its product and technology, not to mention the Omega2 is unequalled in this industry.
And I learned basic knowledge of seismic data processing; I am clear about the pressure, the trouble I may confront in the future. The most important thing is I want to progress quickly and want myself essential to a team.
To achieve this goal I made a plan for next five years.
The first year is time for transition; I need to orient myself in my group. The next three years all I need to do is to learn! Learn more and more! To engage projects as many as possible no matter land or marine, data processing or interpretation or inversion. This is the right time to board my horizon until I could lead a big project. But, to be a talent employee this is far from perfect, I need a point to dig, to go deeper and deeper. Maybe I need to be an expert to study the multiple, Maybe an expert study on anisotropy, maybe other kind of study to meet the need of whole industry, the need of my company, I must find this point in the fifth year of my career maybe earlier and dig this point to help to make innovation in the next five years.
Please trust me and give me time to achieve it. I won’t disappoint you.
That’s all. Thank you.
然后就是等,一邊等一邊觀察吧。能感覺出,雖然公司說是不看重專業(yè),但也不是,畢竟是PTE,還是希望專業(yè)比較相關(guān)的。部門的話,有DS:Data Service,主要就是地震數(shù)據(jù)處理與解釋的,有SIS:Schlumberger Information Solutions,做軟件的技術(shù)支持,教客戶用軟件,安裝軟件之類的。還有GPE:Geoscience Petroleum Engineering,這個我也不知道是干啥的。說真的我部門知道的好少啊,只有這三個了,不然我也不會只在面試里說要處理,連部門名字都說不出來,他們很多人都是問的來這里的師兄弟,偏偏我認識的師兄不是在這邊的,所以他也不知道,我也就沒有打聽到,網(wǎng)站上也沒有明寫。不過部門這個東西很多,而且每年不一樣,因為公司不斷在壯大,并購了很多,包括什么史密斯測井之類的,所以不知道也沒關(guān)系,基本上我們?nèi)嬷蠖际侨绻膫經(jīng)理對你感興趣就會出來單獨和你聊聊。
講完了,其中一個外國人,應(yīng)該是印度那邊的,口音非常重,問我項目中一個數(shù)字,為何選擇這個范圍的重力異常作為結(jié)果(口音好重啊,說了第二遍我才勉強聽懂,不過我一直微笑著,還問Do you mean?他說是我就回答了),剛好這個問題是練習(xí)的時候閨蜜問過的,還教我怎么答。于是我淡定的回答了。他跟著再問點什么,我回答還順便笑著說了我們在野外的經(jīng)歷,氣氛蠻好。
貌似就這四個問題吧,要么就還有一個但是我忘記了。面完了我真是神清氣爽啊,不管結(jié)果如何,能發(fā)揮到最好,那種感覺相當(dāng)舒坦。之后就出來和大家說話了,很多人都在等面試官談話,也沒有走,我也等,大概半小時,就有個SIS的部門經(jīng)理問我是不是CR,說要和我談?wù)劇?br /> 先問我對SIS有沒有了解,我不太了解,經(jīng)理就給我簡單介紹了一下。都是一個行業(yè),一聽就知道就是技術(shù)支持。經(jīng)理直接說,覺得我性格開朗,溫和,善于交流,適合他們這個部門,而且今年報處理的太多了,不可能要這么多人,我估計這是暗示我,處理部門不太會要碩士。而且我也確實喜歡這個,于是和經(jīng)理說:我非常樂意,而且我很喜歡到處走,多接觸一下,還說可能做處理會比較枯燥,這個工作我非常喜歡。又問了下工作地點,就在這個大廈,出差的話最多平均一個月兩個禮拜。問了下可不可以實習(xí),也說可以?傊腋吲d了很痛快的答應(yīng)了。

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2014-2-10 15:04:40 | 只看該作者

Schlumberger Job Offer-Petro-Technical Engineer!
Dear C R,
Thank you for your interest in Schlumberger and taking time to participate in our interview process. Because of the positive result, I am pleased to extend you a job offer as a Petro-Technical Engineer in Schlumberger. Please review the attached offer letter for details.

發(fā)表于 2014-3-18 22:46:00 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2014-4-8 07:56:51 | 只看該作者
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