
標(biāo)題: 工程詞語匯總 中英文對(duì)照 [打印本頁]

作者: 中石油建設(shè)hy    時(shí)間: 2014-4-10 19:05
標(biāo)題: 工程詞語匯總 中英文對(duì)照
工藝包process package
工藝設(shè)計(jì)process design
工藝發(fā)表process release
工藝預(yù)發(fā)表initial process release
工作范圍;項(xiàng)目任務(wù)范圍scope of work ; project scope
工作包work package
工作項(xiàng)work item
任務(wù)單項(xiàng)line item
分解結(jié)構(gòu)breakdown structure
工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)work breakdown structure[WBS]
組織分解機(jī)構(gòu)organizational breakdown  structure[OBS]
項(xiàng)目大項(xiàng)工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)project summary work breakdown  structure[PSWBS]
承包商標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工作分解結(jié)構(gòu);工程公司標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)contractor's standard work  breakdown structure[CSWBS]
責(zé)任分工矩陣responsibility assignment  matrix[RAM]
風(fēng)險(xiǎn)分析risk analysis
風(fēng)險(xiǎn)備忘錄risk memorandum
公司本部home office
公司本部服務(wù)home office service
項(xiàng)目計(jì)劃project plan
(項(xiàng)目)設(shè)計(jì)計(jì)劃(project)engineering plan
(項(xiàng)目)采購(gòu)計(jì)劃(project)procurement plan
(項(xiàng)目)施工計(jì)劃(project)construction plan
(項(xiàng)目)開車計(jì)劃(project)start-up plan
專利權(quán)patent right
產(chǎn)權(quán)技術(shù)proprietary technology
專利技術(shù)licensed technology
許可證費(fèi)license fee
專有技術(shù)費(fèi)know-how fee
工藝process design ; process  engineering
系統(tǒng)systems engineering
設(shè)備equipment engineering
布置plant layout engineering
管道設(shè)計(jì)piping design
管道機(jī)械piping mechanical engineering
儀表instruments engineering
電氣electrical engineering
建筑architectural engineering
土建civil engineering
投料試車start-up ; test run ; initial  operations
性能考核,生產(chǎn)考核performance test run ;  performance guarantee tests
用戶驗(yàn)收client acceptance
支付條件;付款條件terms of payment ; conditions of  payment ; terms and conditions of payment
預(yù)付款advance payment ; down payment
按實(shí)物進(jìn)度付款progress payment
按日工程進(jìn)度付款schedule payment
保留金;扣留款retention money
最終付款final payment
代碼;編碼code ; number
組碼group code
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)分類記帳碼;記帳碼standard classification of  account numbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts
可編碼variable code ; optional  variable code
通用型活動(dòng)碼generic activity  type(numbers)[GAT]
發(fā)表issue ; release
匯票bill of exchange ; draft
議付匯票bill for negotiation
設(shè)計(jì);工程設(shè)計(jì)design ; engineering
設(shè)計(jì)階段engineering phase
工藝設(shè)計(jì)階段process design phase
基礎(chǔ)工程設(shè)計(jì)階段basic engineering phase
分析設(shè)計(jì)階段analytical engineering phase
平面設(shè)計(jì)階段planning engineering phase
詳細(xì)工程設(shè)計(jì)階段detailed engineering phase ;  final engineering phase ; production engineering phase
開工會(huì)議kick-off meeting
報(bào)價(jià)開工會(huì)議proposal kick-off meeting
用戶開工會(huì)議client kick-off meeting
項(xiàng)目開工會(huì)議project kick-off meeting
設(shè)計(jì)開工會(huì)議project kick-off meeting
施工動(dòng)員會(huì)議construction mobilization  meeting
審核會(huì)review meeting
合同生效日期effective date of the contract
合同終止termination of contract
合同失效frustration of contract
總價(jià)合同lump-sum contract[L-S]
(固定)單價(jià)合同(fixed) unit price contract
償付合同;成本加抽筋合同(cost) reimbursable contract ;  cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]
成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract  [CPFF]
成本加浮動(dòng)酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee  contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract
目標(biāo)成本加獎(jiǎng)罰合同(target) cost plus fee contract  , with bonus or penalty conditions
限定最高價(jià)償付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同reimbursable guaranteed maximum  price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract
合營(yíng)企業(yè)joint venture [JV]
交貨日期delivery date ; date of delivery
交貨周期lead time
交貨到現(xiàn)場(chǎng)delivery to job-site
交貨單delivery note
提貨單delivery order
提單bill of lading
交貨條件delivery terms
離岸價(jià)free on board [FOB]
鐵路交貨(價(jià));敞車上交貨(價(jià))free on rail [FOR] ; free on  truck [FOT]
成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)(價(jià))cost and freight [CFR] or  [C&F]
到岸價(jià)cost insurance and freight ;  cost insurance freight [CIF]

作者: 中石油建設(shè)hy    時(shí)間: 2014-4-10 19:05
船邊交貨(價(jià))                free alongside ship [FAS]
貨交承運(yùn)人(價(jià))                free carrier [FCA]
工廠交貨(價(jià))                ex works [EXW]
估算;費(fèi)用估算                estimate ' cost estimate
估算方法類別                types of estimate
詳細(xì)估算(發(fā))                detailed estimate ; defined estimate
設(shè)備詳細(xì)估算(發(fā));確切估算(發(fā))                defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate
設(shè)備估算                equipment estimate
分析估算                analysis estimate
報(bào)價(jià)估算                proposal estimate
控制估算                control estimate
初期控制估算                interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]
批準(zhǔn)的控制估算                initial approved cost [IAC]
核定估算                check estimate
首次核定估算                first check estimate [FCE]
二次核定估算                production check estimate [PCE]
人工時(shí)估算                man-hour estimate
證書;證明書                certificate
產(chǎn)地證明書                certificate of origin
機(jī)械竣工證書                mechanical completion certificate
用戶驗(yàn)收證書;合同項(xiàng)目驗(yàn)收證書                client acceptance certificate (of plant)
材料                material
設(shè)備                equipment
散裝材料                bulk materials ; commodities
材料分類                material class
材料統(tǒng)計(jì)                material take-off [MTO]
材料表;材料清單                bill of materials [BOM]
材料管理                material management
材料控制                material control
進(jìn)度;進(jìn)度表;進(jìn)度計(jì)劃                schedule
進(jìn)展;進(jìn)度;實(shí)物進(jìn)度                progress ; physical progress
編制進(jìn)度計(jì)劃                scheduling ; time scheduling
(項(xiàng)目)初期工作進(jìn)度計(jì)劃                starter schedule ; early work schedule
項(xiàng)目主進(jìn)度計(jì)劃                project master schedule ; master project schedule
詳細(xì)進(jìn)度計(jì)劃;詳細(xì)進(jìn)度表                detailed schedule
網(wǎng)絡(luò)(圖);網(wǎng)絡(luò)(進(jìn)度)計(jì)劃                network (diagram)
里程碑網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖                milestone network
詳細(xì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖                detailed network
關(guān)鍵線路法                critical path method [CPM]
關(guān)鍵工序;關(guān)鍵活動(dòng)                critical activity
工序;活動(dòng)                activity
浮動(dòng)時(shí)間;工序時(shí)差                "float"
里程碑                milestone
進(jìn)度控制                schedule control ; progress control
進(jìn)度曲線;S曲線                progress curve ; "S" curve
資源負(fù)荷曲線                resource loading curve ; Bell curve
進(jìn)度提前                ahead of schedule
進(jìn)度拖延                schedule delay
違約                default
違約通知                default notice
(違約)罰款條款                penalty clause
違約罰金                liquidated damages
運(yùn)費(fèi)                freight [Frt.] ; carriage
運(yùn)費(fèi)付訖                freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paid
運(yùn)費(fèi)待收;貨到收運(yùn)費(fèi)                freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination
運(yùn)費(fèi)預(yù)付                freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight
貨到付運(yùn)費(fèi);運(yùn)費(fèi)未付                freight forward ; carriage forward
運(yùn)費(fèi)擔(dān)保函                freight indemnity
運(yùn)費(fèi)單                freight note
運(yùn)輸商;承運(yùn)商                forwarding agent
采購(gòu)                procurement
采買                purchasing
催交                expediting
檢驗(yàn)                inspection
運(yùn)輸                traffic ; transport
報(bào)關(guān)單                bill of entry
報(bào)告                report
費(fèi)用和進(jìn)展月報(bào)告                monthly cost and progress report
(項(xiàng)目)進(jìn)展月報(bào)                (job) monthly progress report
設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)展月報(bào)                engineering monthly progress report
項(xiàng)目費(fèi)用匯總報(bào)告                project cost summary report
項(xiàng)目實(shí)施費(fèi)用狀態(tài)報(bào)告                project operation cost status report
進(jìn)度報(bào)告                schedule report
控制索引                control index
執(zhí)行效果報(bào)告                performance report
勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率報(bào)告                productivity report
異常報(bào)告                exception report
材料異常報(bào)告                material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report
采購(gòu)狀態(tài)報(bào)告                procurement status report
材料狀態(tài)報(bào)告                material status report
請(qǐng)購(gòu)單和訂單狀態(tài)報(bào)告                purchase order and requisition status report
供貨廠商圖紙狀態(tài)報(bào)告                vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report
檢驗(yàn)報(bào)告                inspection report
(項(xiàng)目)完工報(bào)告                close-out report
報(bào)價(jià);投標(biāo)                bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer
訊價(jià)文件評(píng)審委員會(huì)                inquiry review committee [IRC]
報(bào)價(jià)策略會(huì)議                bid strategy meeting
報(bào)價(jià)經(jīng)理                proposal manager
投標(biāo)書;標(biāo)書;建議書                proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer
標(biāo)書評(píng)審;報(bào)價(jià)評(píng)審                bid evaluation
標(biāo)書評(píng)選表;報(bào)價(jià)評(píng)選表                bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids
談判                negotiation
廠商協(xié)調(diào)會(huì)議;協(xié)調(diào)會(huì)議                vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting
訂貨合約;定約;成交                commitment
訂貨電傳;訂貨通知                telex order ; notification of commitment
訂單(即定單);采買訂單;訂貨合同                purchase order [PO]
簽訂合同;合同簽約                contract award
詢價(jià);招標(biāo)                inquiry ; invitation to bid
資格預(yù)審                pre-qualification
合格投標(biāo)商表;合格供貨商表                qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list
詢價(jià)書;招標(biāo)文件                inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]

作者: 中石油建設(shè)hy    時(shí)間: 2014-4-10 19:07
請(qǐng)購(gòu)文件;請(qǐng)購(gòu)單requisition (package) ;  requisition documents
采購(gòu)規(guī)格書;采購(gòu)說明書purchasing specification [PS]
投標(biāo)者須知;報(bào)價(jià)須知instructions to bidders [ITB]
用戶變更;合同變更client change ;contract change
待定的用戶變更pending client change
認(rèn)可的用戶變更approved client change
用戶變更(通知)單;合同變更(通知)單client change notice [CCB] ;  contract change order [CCO]
項(xiàng)目變更;內(nèi)部變更project change ; internal change
項(xiàng)目變更(通知)單;內(nèi)部變更(通知)單project change notice [PCN]  ;internal change order [ICO]
變更申請(qǐng)單;偏差通知單change request ; deviation  notice [DN]
質(zhì)量方針quality policy
質(zhì)量管理quality management
質(zhì)量策劃quality planning
質(zhì)量控制quality control [QC]
質(zhì)量保證quality assurance [QA]
質(zhì)量體系quality system
質(zhì)量改進(jìn)quality improvement
質(zhì)量手冊(cè)quality manual
質(zhì)量計(jì)劃quality plan
工藝流程圖process flow diagram [PFD]
工藝控制圖process control diagram [PCD]
管道儀表流程圖piping and instrument diagram  [PID] [P&ID]
裝置布置圖plot plan
管道平面設(shè)計(jì)圖piping planning (drawing)
管道平面布置圖piping layout drawing
管段圖;管道空視圖isometric drawing
"批準(zhǔn)用于詳細(xì)工程設(shè)計(jì)"圖紙drawing issued "Approved  for Design" [AFD]
"批準(zhǔn)用于施工"圖紙drawings issued "Approved  for construction" [AFC]
供貨廠商先期確認(rèn)圖(紙)advanced certified final  drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor  drawings [PD]
供貨廠商最終確認(rèn)圖(紙)certified final drawings [CF] ;  certified vendor drawings[CD]
圖表diagram ; chart
橫道圖bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart
進(jìn)度趨勢(shì)展示圖schedule trend display chart
費(fèi)用趨勢(shì)展示圖cost trend display chart
項(xiàng)目實(shí)施費(fèi)用狀態(tài)報(bào)告project execution
項(xiàng)目實(shí)施階段project phase
項(xiàng)目初始階段initial phase of project  execution
施工階段construction phase
開車階段start-up phase
項(xiàng)目建設(shè)周期project duration's
項(xiàng)目管理project management
項(xiàng)目控制project control
項(xiàng)目組project team
專責(zé)項(xiàng)目組task force
項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理project manager [PM]
項(xiàng)目設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)理project engineering manager  [PEM]
項(xiàng)目采購(gòu)經(jīng)理project procurement manager  [PPM]
項(xiàng)目施工經(jīng)理project construction manager  [PCM]
項(xiàng)目工藝經(jīng)理project process manager
項(xiàng)目控制經(jīng)理project controls manager
項(xiàng)目進(jìn)度計(jì)劃工程師project scheduling engineer ;  project scheduler
項(xiàng)目估算師project estimator
項(xiàng)目費(fèi)用控制工程師project cost control engineer ;  project cost engineer
項(xiàng)目材料控制工程師project material control  engineer
項(xiàng)目財(cái)務(wù)經(jīng)理 project financial manager
項(xiàng)目質(zhì)量經(jīng)理project quality manager
項(xiàng)目開車經(jīng)理project start-up manager
項(xiàng)目安全工程師project safety engineer
項(xiàng)目秘書project secretary
項(xiàng)目控制手段project controlling ; tools for  project control
控制基準(zhǔn);執(zhí)行效果測(cè)量基準(zhǔn);實(shí)物進(jìn)度基準(zhǔn)control baseline ; performance  measurement baseline ; progress baseline
偏差;差異deviation ; variance
跟蹤tracking ; follow up
趨勢(shì)分析;趨勢(shì)預(yù)測(cè)trending ; trend projection
偏差預(yù)測(cè)值projected deviations
預(yù)測(cè)projection ; forecasting
糾正措施corrective action ; corrective  measures
項(xiàng)目綜合控制integrated project control
贏得值原理earned value concept [EVC]
計(jì)劃工作量的預(yù)算費(fèi)用budgeted cost for work scheduled  [BCWS]
已完工作量的預(yù)算費(fèi)用budgeted cost for work performed  [BCWP]
已完工作量的實(shí)耗費(fèi)用actual cost for work performed  [ACWP]
費(fèi)用差異cost variance [CV]
進(jìn)度差異schedule variance [SV]
費(fèi)用指數(shù)cost index [CI]
進(jìn)度指數(shù)schedule index [SI]
費(fèi)用執(zhí)行效果指數(shù)cost performance index [CPI]
進(jìn)度執(zhí)行效果指數(shù)schedule performance index [SPI]
竣工差異at completion variance [ACV]
竣工預(yù)算費(fèi)用budgeted cost at completion  [BAC]
竣工預(yù)測(cè)費(fèi)用estimated cost at completion  [EAC]
建設(shè)總費(fèi)用total installed cost [TIC]
材料費(fèi)用;直接材料費(fèi)用material cost ; direct material  cost
設(shè)備費(fèi)用;設(shè)備購(gòu)買費(fèi)用equipment cost ; purchased cost  of equipment
散裝材料費(fèi)用;散裝材料購(gòu)買費(fèi)用bulk materials cost ; purchased  cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost
(直接)材料相關(guān)費(fèi)用(運(yùn)費(fèi)和保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)等)cost of material related freight  ; insurance , etc.
施工費(fèi)用construction cost
施工人工費(fèi)用;施工勞力費(fèi)用labor cost ; erection labor cost  ; construction force cost
設(shè)備安裝人工費(fèi)用labor cost associated with  equipment
散裝材料施工人工費(fèi)用labor cost associated with bulk  materials
人工時(shí)估算定額;施工人工時(shí)估算定額;標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工時(shí)定額standard man-hours ; standard  labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours
勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率;勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率系數(shù)labor productivity ;  productivity factor ; productivity ratio
修正的人工事估算值adjusted man-hours
人工時(shí)單價(jià)man-hour rate
施工監(jiān)督費(fèi)用;施工監(jiān)督和管理費(fèi)用cost of construction supervision  ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and  direct supervision cost [FADS]
施工間接費(fèi)用cost of construction indirect
分包合同費(fèi)用;現(xiàn)場(chǎng)施工分包合同費(fèi)用subcontract cost ; field  subcontract cost
公司本部(服務(wù))費(fèi)用home office cost ; cost of home  office servers
公司管理費(fèi)overhead ; home office overheads
非工資費(fèi)用non-payroll ; home-office  expenses
試車費(fèi)用commissioning activities cost
投料試車費(fèi)用start-up cost
其他費(fèi)用other costs
利潤(rùn);預(yù)期利潤(rùn)profit ; expected profit
服務(wù)酬金service gains
內(nèi)部費(fèi)用轉(zhuǎn)換internal transfer
認(rèn)可的預(yù)計(jì)費(fèi)用anticipated approved cost
費(fèi)用控制;成本控制cost control
預(yù)算(值);項(xiàng)目控制預(yù)算budget ; project control budget
預(yù)算結(jié)余(值);費(fèi)用結(jié)余(值)under-run ; cost under-run
預(yù)算超支(值);費(fèi)用超支(值)over-run ; cost over-run
施工工種construction craft
機(jī)械竣工mechanical completion [MC]
界區(qū)battery limit [BL]
工藝界區(qū)process battery limit ; inside  battery limit [ISBL]
界外設(shè)施區(qū);輔助設(shè)施界區(qū)offsite battery limit [OSBL]
工藝裝置process section ; process unit
界外設(shè)施;輔助設(shè)施;通用設(shè)施offsite section ; offsite unit ;  offsite facilities ; general facilities
保證;擔(dān)保guarantee ; warranty
性能保證performance guarantees
絕對(duì)保證absolute guarantees
違約罰款保證penaltiable guarantees
工作質(zhì)量保證workmanship guarantees
機(jī)械保證;機(jī)械擔(dān)保mechanical guarantees ;  mechanical warranties
投標(biāo)保函bid bond
履約保函;履約擔(dān)保(書);為履約出具的銀行保證書performance bond ; performance  bank guarantee
預(yù)付款保函;為預(yù)付款出具的銀行保證書advance payment bond ; bank  guarantee for advance payment
保證書;保險(xiǎn)公司出具的保函surety bond
銀行保證書;信用保證書bank guarantee ; letter of  guarantee [L/G]
安慰信letter of comfort
保密協(xié)議secrecy agreement
保險(xiǎn)insurance ; assurance
保險(xiǎn)單insurance policy
保險(xiǎn)證書insurance certificate
保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)insurance premium
保稅貨物bonded goods
保稅倉(cāng)庫(kù)bonded warehouse
信用證letter of credit [L/C]
不可撤銷信用證irrevocable L/C
可撤銷信用證revocable L/C
即期信用證sight credit ; sight L/C
遠(yuǎn)期信用證term credit ; term L/C
保兌信用證confirmed L/C
可轉(zhuǎn)讓信用證transferable L/C
備用信用證stand-by L/C
信用證提款drawing on L/Cs
買方信貸buyer's credit [B/C]
信貸額度line of credit
項(xiàng)目融資;工程項(xiàng)目籌資project finance
即期貸款demand loan
索賠claim ; claim indemnity
所得稅income taxes
合法避稅tax avoidance
項(xiàng)目協(xié)調(diào)程序project coordination procedure
項(xiàng)目實(shí)施程序project execution procedure
項(xiàng)目設(shè)計(jì)程序project engineering procedure
項(xiàng)目采購(gòu)程序project procurement procedure
項(xiàng)目檢驗(yàn)程序project inspection procedure
項(xiàng)目控制程序project control procedure
變更控制程序change control procedure
預(yù)算變更程序budget change procedure
項(xiàng)目試車程序;項(xiàng)目開車程序project commissioning procedure  ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure
化學(xué)清洗程序chemical cleaning procedure
性能考核程序;生產(chǎn)考核程序performance test run procedure ;  performance guarantee test procedure
裝置驗(yàn)收程序plant acceptance procedure
條件數(shù)據(jù);設(shè)計(jì)條件supporting data
返回的條件數(shù)據(jù);返回的設(shè)計(jì)條件resultant feedback of data
意向書letter of intent

作者: wdy1306    時(shí)間: 2014-4-11 08:31
作者: 96小能    時(shí)間: 2014-4-28 10:03
作者: morrisw7    時(shí)間: 2021-2-9 07:45
牛啊 樓主!

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