






2011-10-20 18:52| 發(fā)布者: helloshigy| 查看: 48878| 評論: 0

摘要: 張勁軍,1962年生,中國石油大學(北京)機械與儲運工程學院,碩士生導師,博士生導師,研究方向為油氣長距離管輸技術(shù)、油氣儲運安全工程,享受國務(wù)院政府特殊津貼。
張勁軍 論文發(fā)布情況

      1.Mengran Sun, David Jou, Jinjun Zhang*. A nonlinear viscoelastic model and its thermodynamic entropies, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,2016,22996-100 SCI

      2.Jiangbo Wen, Jinjun Zhang*, Zhihui Wang, Yongxing Zhang. Correlations between emulsification behaviors of crude oil-water systems and crude oil compositions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 1461-9 SCIEI

      3.Jiangbo Wena,b, Jinjun Zhanga* Min Wei. Effective viscosity prediction of crude oil-water mixtures with high water fraction. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 147 760770 SCI、EI

      4.Guangyu Sun Jinjun Zhang*, Chenbo Ma, Xinyi Wang. Start-up flow behavior of pipelines transporting waxy crude oil emulsion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2016, 147 746755 SCIEI

      5.Youquan Bao, Jinjun Zhang,* Xinyi Wang and Wenwen Liu. Effect of pre-shear on structural behavior and pipeline restart of gelled waxy crude oil. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 80529 SCI、EI

      6.Yun Lei, Shanpeng Han, Jinjun Zhang*. Effect of the dispersion degree of asphaltene on wax deposition in crude oil under static conditions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 146 2028 SCI、EI

      7.Shanpeng Han Jinjun Zhang*, Lanlan Zhu Effect of the amount and the composition of precipitated n-alkanes on the yield stress of wax-decane gels. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016 147 228236 SCI、EI

      8.Wen-Wen Liu, Jie Peng1 Ke-Qin Zhu, Jin-Jun Zhang. A microstructural criterion for yielding linking thixotropy and the yield stress. Rheol. Acta, 2016, 55957968 SCI

      9.張勁軍*,宇波,于鵬飛,韓東旭. 基于可靠性的含蠟原油管道停輸再啟動安全性評價方法. 石油科學通報, 2016, 1(1)154-163


      11.孫廣宇,張勁軍*. W/O型乳狀液及其凝膠流變特性研究進展. 油氣儲運,2016353):229-240

      12.陸爭光,張勁軍,高鵬. 成品油一次物流優(yōu)化研究進展. 油氣儲運,2016,35(9) 913-919,927

      13.孫旭,張勁軍*,楊森.形輸流管道受力特性及結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化.油氣儲運,2016,35(1) 38-42


      15.Guangyu Sun, Jinjun Zhang*. Structural breakdown and recovery of waxy crude oil emulsion gels. Rheologica Acta, 2015, 54(9)817-829 SCI

      16.Liping Guo, Jinjun Zhang* Guangyu Sun, Youquan Bao. Thixotropy and its estimation of water-in-waxy crude emulsion gels. J. of Petroleum Sci. and Eng. 2015, 131 86-95 SCI, EI

      17.Hongying Li* Jinjun Zhang, Chaofan Song, Guangyu Sun. The influence of the heating temperature on the yield stress and pour point of waxy crude oils. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Volume 135, November 2015 Pages 476483 SCI, EI

      18.Bai Chengyu, Jinjun Zhang*.New Method to Determine the Strength of Wax Deposits in Field Pipelines. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2015, 10(2) 31-36

      19.文江波,張勁軍*,鄭飛,陸爭光. 流動條件下原油乳化含水率與水相組成關(guān)系研究. 石油學報,2015,365):626-632 EI

      20.Jiangbo Wen Jinjun Zhang,* Zhihui Wanget al. Full and Partial Emulsification of Crude Oil圢愀琀攀爀 Systems asa Function of Shear Intensity, Water Fraction, and Temperature. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53, 95139520 SCI EI

      21.Guangyu Sun, Jinjun Zhang* and Hongying Li. Structural Behaviors of Waxy Crude Oil Emulsion Gels. Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 37183729 SCI, EI

      22.Pengfei Yu, Jinjun Zhang*, Bo Yu, YiWang, and Guojun Yu. Study on Low Flow Rate Operating Characteristics of Hot Waxy Crude Oil Pipelines Based on an Unsteady-State Calculation Method. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014, Article ID 620848, 13pages. doi10.1155/2014/620848 SCI

      23.于鵬飛, 張勁軍*, 宇波, 禹國軍, 黃金萍. 含蠟原油管道恒壓再啟動失效概率研究. 工程熱物理學報, 2014, 35(4), 705-709. EI







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